The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Centennial

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series
Invisible Cities: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series is a set of three diptychs of drawings on transparent Plexiglass panels illuminated with LEDs.
Multiple layers of drawings represent the historic progression of the Parkway, with depictions of landmark buildings such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Water Works, the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the Rodin Museum. The modern era is represented by more recent additions such as Park Towne Place and the Barnes Foundation. The layer illuminated by LEDs reveals a history no longer seen, sites of Philadelphia’s industry, residences, and fairgrounds that were redeveloped to create the contemporary Parkway.
The complex images offer a look into the past as a way to understand the present.
The series was commissioned by Aimco to celebrate the centennial of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series (Diptych I)
Invisible Cities: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series is a set of three diptychs of drawings on transparent Plexiglass panels illuminated with LEDs.
Diptych I - Philadelphia Art Museum from the Water Works, Park Towne Place, and Baldwin Locomotive Works Demolition

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series (Diptych II)
Invisible Cities: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series is a set of three diptychs of drawings on transparent plexiglass panels illuminated with LEDs.
Diptych II - Philadelphia Free Library, Rodin Museum, 22nd Street Building Demolition.

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series (Diptych III)
Invisible Cities: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway Series is a set of three diptychs of drawings on transparent plexiglass panels illuminated with LEDs.
Diptych III - Basilica of St Peter and Paul, Barnes Foundation and the Great Central Fair of 1864