

María's News & Discussion

American Dream


I worked on American Dream for a while. It all started with an empty box. It is a conceptual work.... The viewer becomes the participant. He/she is asked to Tweet his/her reaction, his/her thought about the the question at hand. Being a Tweet - only 140 characters allowed - constrains the viewer - actor- to reply in a quick thought. Even if the viewer does not physically responds, he/she would still think about it. The tweets can be collected and read by all. Viewers become actors and the process continues even after the viewer is gone. I posted the #americandream last Friday in my tweet account and there has been hundreds of tweets since then. It is quite interesting. ( For those not familiar with Tweeter or tweets a hash tag is simply a way for people to post tweets that have a common topic.)

And yes, I am still painting, but it is fun to create in different mediums. Going outside of the confort zones, one is free to grow in ways that did not know existed.