

María's News & Discussion

"The Unbearable Lightness of Being" - A Walk into Abstraction

Some years ago, while I was studying  at the Art Students League of New York, my work was mostly abstract.  Back in Philadelphia, my work became more figurative again, but I never lost the taste for abstraction.  As an artist, it is important, I believe, to move from the comfort zones - what one does well and people like- to other territories where one can grow in unexpected directions.  From experiments in printing this past Spring, ( see "In Rememberance 1 and 2" in previous posts), I became enthuse with a theme that has been in the back my mind...mixed with event of our times. "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"  written by Milan Kundera is the point of departure of this work .  It explores the ethereal nature of our life and circumstances...

All the work is on oil and ink on canvas and incorporates mixed media elements such as cloth.